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Roman Numerals for Chords: Modified Nashville Numbers

Next, add Roman numerals for chords to represent modified Nashville numbers, as discussed earlier. See the graphic below.

IMPORTANT: The modified Nashville numbers around the inside of the circular harmonic scale never change. Ever. They are the “default” chords. They serve as your reference points. However, as you’ll see in a second, the chords around the outside of the circular harmonic scale can vary quite a bit.

If you forget which Roman numerals belong to which tick marks, you can look them up at the back of this book in Appendix 1, Roedy Black’s Chord Progression Chart. Or you can downlaod a copy of the chart at RoedyBlack Music.

Chord progression Chase chart showing Nashville Numbers.

FIGURE 61: Chord Map Showing Nashville Numbers and Circled Tonic Chords, the I Chord and the VIm Chord

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