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Common Language: Manipulation of Words, Creation of Art

The language you speak, in common with those around you, is a cultural infrastructure. Everybody who speaks a common language shares the same vocabulary (more or less) and uses the same grammatical rules.

Artists working with a common language use the manipulation of words and grammar to create works of art such as novels, plays, and song lyrics. Successful language-artists innovate with words and grammar, but preserve enough of the language's commonly-used vocabulary and observe enough of its grammatical rules to ensure reasonable audience accessibility.

As mentioned in Chapter 1, artists who break all the rules (not just some of them) do not communicate with anyone on any humanly accessible level.

If an artist working with language employs too much fractured grammar and too many twists of vocabulary, the novel or play or song lyric becomes incomprehensible. Without adequate adherence to convention, audiences find the work inaccessible and simply turn away from it, confused and irritated.

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