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a johnny cash song: “DON”T TAKE YOUR GUNS TO TOWN”

Before you get going, here’s some friendly advice from Deputy Fester: don’t take your guns to town.

He’s referring to an incident that happened at the Wrong Ranch Saloon on the main street of Dodge some years ago. Deputy Fester told the whole story to an admiring reporter from the Dodge City Musical Saw Weekly in an interview at the Wrong Ranch.

“See that dusty cowpoke on the barstool yonder? Watch what you say around him. He’ll try to laugh you down. He’s the dude Billy Joe’s ma warned Billy Joe about in the Johnny Cash song, ‘Don’t Take Your Guns To Town.’

“She warned Billy Joe quite a few times in the chorus. ‘Leave your guns at home, Bill,’ she said. ‘Don’t take your guns to town.’

“But did he listen to his ma? Noooooo.

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